Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Two Person Family.... Turning Into Three

The storm has passed and the feelings of irrational, hormonal and unrelenting anger and anxiety have since passed. Oh thank goodness! *Happy Dance* When we found out we were pregnant I would joke to my hubby about pregnancy symptoms... fatigue, morning sickness, waves of heat and awesome thoughts of keeping our house chilly this winter, gas... you know... all the good stuff. What I also prepared him for was unexplained and random crying spells. I've never been pregnant before so I am only going off of what I have researched... and it's funny how sometimes things will just pop up. My recent cry spell came to me this morning. The people who know me best know that both my husband and I are very emotional, feeling people. We get choked up about puppy commercials (omg that new Budwieser one made me lose it bad!), sappy movies, long weekends away from each other, etc. Today was nothing new or ordinary. I was driving to work at the hospital and as I was waiting to make my left onto hospital property I was overwhelmed by the thought that when we go into labor that will be our last drive together as a two parent family *getting choked up again at the thought*. I had a very vivid picture in my head of us calmly driving to the hospital, hand in hand, parking the car and before going in saying, "Well babe, this is it!" Our next drive after that, and every other drive beyond will no longer be just us as a two person family, it'll be us as a part of a bigger family that we have made together. It's funny to me how much this thought grabbed my attention. I would think that I would mourn the loss of "just us" in a family but I feel this overwhelming need to become a mother and I picture how this will change us so much. I know that this change is not only going to be hard (like all transitions are) but it is going to be the most amazing experience and I am really grateful to have this man to share it with. Time feels like it is flying right now and I can't wait to meet our little peanut

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